February 26, 2019

Final Movie

And here we are.  Yup, I actually finished it.  Please watch on Youtube in HD.

February 18, 2019

I hate GIMP.

Another vent post.

Do you draw with a mouse or do you have a tablet with a pen?  I use a pen and I love pressure sensitivity feature.  Why GIMP developers didn't think about this option?  I mean, it exists, but they hid it really well and it is a hassle to turn it on every time.  Well, in my case it didn't work at all, even when I created that "special brush".  

My sweet little old Flash, I love you so much!  :)

February 17, 2019

Step by step.

First couple of scenes were the longest to make.  I reshoot them many times till I got the result I wanted.  For those "landscape" scenes it was all about light and shadows.  Those scenes I'm doing right now are smaller but trickier, with slow movements of minifigures.  Hard to make it all smooth sometimes.  I know what to do and how it should look (all those ease in - ease out tricks etc), but minifigures themselves limit me a bit, just the way they can and cannot move.  It's so unlike Flash animation, where I could do whatever I wanted with the characters I drew.   Any way, it's fun and challenging, just takes lots of time :)